Sharing | TSMaster Bus Record Function Operation Guide

Sharing | TSMaster Bus Record Function Operation Guide

Bus recording mainly refers to the CAN, LIN, FlexRay, Ethernet and other bus system communication data recording and analysis, is an important tool for engineers in troubleshooting, performance analysis and data recording, as a TSMaster software in the use of the high rate of functional modules, this paper focuses on the recording function of the bus recording module operation, recording file configuration, and This paper focuses on the operation of the recording function of the bus recording module, the configuration of the recording file, and combines the common needs of bus recording.

Keywords in this article: bus logging, automatic logging, log file size, message filtering

Table of Contents for this article

I. How to get started with the TSMaster Logging Module

❖ Step1

The logging module is located in the main menu [Analyze] -> [Bus Logging], as shown in Figure 1.
TSMaster Bus Logging Function Operating Instructions
Figure 1 - Bus Logging Module

❖ Step2

The [Add Bus Logging] module allows you to add multiple logging modules.
TSMaster Bus Logging Function Operating Instructions
Figure 2 - Adding a Bus Logging Module

❖ Step3

Set the path of the logging data folder, you can select [Default] or [Custom Path].

  • Case1: When "Default" is checked, the log files are saved in the default project \Logging\Bus\ folder, as shown in Figure 3.
TSMaster Bus Logging Function Operating Instructions
Figure 3 - Default Path
  • Case2: Remove "Default", you can click "..." to choose a customized save path.
TSMaster Bus Logging Function Operating Instructions
Figure 4 - Customized Paths

❖ Step4

The naming setting of [Data File Name] allows you to manually enter a customized name, such as "Model 1", "ECU1"; you can also add the user name, computer each, system time, measurement module index value, measurement start time, and configuration project name, etc., with a single click in the drop-down bar of [Name Rule]. start time and configuration project name, etc. As in Figure 5.
Figure 5 - Data File Name Settings
Figure 5 - Data File Name Settings

❖ Step5

Click the Start Logging button to start logging bus messages, with pause and stop logging buttons. As in Figure 6.
Figure 6 - Start and Stop Logging Buttons
Figure 6 - Start and Stop Logging Buttons

II. How to realize automatic logging of messages after starting the project

  • Click on the lightning bolt button at the top right of the bus logging module to activate the auto-start logging feature. As in Figure 7.
Figure 7 - Activating Autostart Logging
Figure 7 - Activating Autostart Logging
  • The bus logging function will start automatically when the project starts. As in Figure 8.
Figure 8 - Auto-start logging after starting a project
Figure 8 - Auto-start logging after starting a project

III. How to realize logging specific messages of multiple channels to different blf files

❖ Examples of logging requirements

You want to record all the messages for channel 1 into a blf file named "model 1";
Record channel 2 messages into a blf file named "Model 2" and filter the logging to logging message IDs beginning with 6, i.e., 0x600-0x6FF.

❖ Procedure

  • Step1:
    First create two bus logging modules, "Bus Logging" and "Bus Logging [ #2]", and name each logging file name. As in Figure 9.
Figure 9 - Creating Two Bus Logging Modules
Figure 9 - Creating Two Bus Logging Modules
  • Step2:
    Open [Measurement Setup], select "Bus Logging" and "Bus Logging [ #2]" respectively, and right-click - Insert Filter for each.
Figure 10 - Insertion of Filters
Figure 10 - Insertion of Filters
  • Step3:
    Configure the filters for "Bus Logging" and "Bus Logging [ #2]" respectively: where "Bus Logging" is set to any message [via] CAN1, as shown in Figure 11. The "Bus Logging" is set to any message [via] CAN1, as shown in Figure 11.
Figure 11 - Bus Logging Configuration Filter
Figure 11 - Bus Logging Configuration Filter

"Bus Logging [ #2]" is set to [via] CAN2, [Add Identifier Range], and set the filter to:
Identifier start: 0x600, Identifier end: 0x6FF, as in Figure 12.

Figure 12 - "Bus Record #2" Configuration Filter
Figure 12 - "Bus Record #2" Configuration Filter
The logging result verifies that the original message contains channel 1 and channel 2 data, which are logged into the blf of model 1 and model 2 respectively, while only the message data from 0x600-0x6FF is logged in the blf of model 2, as shown in Figure 13.
Figure 13 - Verification of Logged Results
Figure 13 - Verification of Logged Results

IV. How to set the logging file by the number of message frames or file size

Depending on the test occasion, you can configure the generation of different logging file sizes. TSMaster supports unlimited, per message frame and file size saving.

Path: [Settings] - [ Create a new file after], as in Figure 14.

Figure 14 - Logging File Size Setting Path
Figure 14 - Logging File Size Setting Path
  • Unlimited: only one logging file is generated and all messages are saved in this file.

Note: It is generally not recommended to use the unlimited mode when logging for a long period of time, because logging all the messages into one file for a long period of time will result in a huge logging file that cannot be opened or will cause the logging file to be lost due to the large amount of computer memory occupied during the logging process.

  • When the number of frames is greater than xx frames: a new logging file is created with the number of message strips. As in Figure 15.
Figure 15 - Setting the Maximum Number of Messages
Figure 15 - Setting the Maximum Number of Messages
For reference: a CAN standard frame with one million message counts has a file size of roughly 4.5M. as shown in Figure 16.
Figure 16 - File Reference Size for One Million CAN Standard Frames
Figure 16 - File Reference Size for One Million CAN Standard Frames
  • When the file size is greater than xx M bytes: the file size is used to create a new logging file.

Reference: generally recommended to set about 200M a file is more suitable for post-processing, conversion out of the asc file is easy to open the file and processing. Such as Figure 17.

Figure 17 - Setting the Maximum Size of Logging File
Figure 17 - Setting the Maximum Size of Logging File



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Installation environment
  • 1
    Windows 7 SP1 or higher, supports Win10, and WIn11.

    Operating System

  • 2

    random access memory (RAM)

  • 3
    At least 550MB of free space

    disk space

  • 4
    Dual-core (2-core) or higher


Please ensure that your computer meets at least these requirements in order to install and run the TSMaster software successfully. If your computer does not meet these requirements, it may cause performance problems or not run the software properly. You may want to consider upgrading your hardware if you need smoother running features.